Periodontal Disease also commonly referred to, as Gum Disease is frequently the cause for tooth loss in adults. This disease is closely associated with Heart Disease, Diabetes and Pre-term low birth WEIGHTinfants when present in pregnant women.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum Disease refers to inflammation of the soft tissue (gingiva) and abnormal loss of bone that surrounds the teeth and holds them in place. Gum Disease is the second most common cause of toothache. It is estimated that up to 80% of the population above the age of 40 may suffer from this disease with the severity varying drastically from one person to another. Periodontitis is the number one cause of tooth loss after the age of 40.

Certain medical conditions or medications can make you more susceptible to gum disease. They include pregnancy, diabetes, epilepsy, and such medications as chemotherapy, birth control pills, antidepressants, and those for heart problems.

What causes Gum Disease?

Gum Disease is caused by toxins secreted by bacteria in “plaque” that accumulate over time along the gum line. This plaque is a mixture of food, saliva, and bacteria.

What are symptoms of Gum Disease?

Early symptoms of Gum Disease include gum bleeding without pain. Pain is a symptom of more advanced Gum Disease as the loss of bone around the teeth leads to the formation of gum pockets. Bacteria in these pockets cause gum infection, swelling, pain, and further bone destruction. Advanced Gum Disease can cause loss of otherwise healthy teeth.

If you notice any of the following signs of Gum Disease, schedule an appointment immediately:

  • Gums that bleed when you brush your teeth
  • Red, swollen or tender gums
  • Gums that have pulled away from the teeth
  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • Pus between your teeth and gums
  • Loose teeth
  • A change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite
  • A change in the fit of partial dentures

Periodontal Treatment involves:

  1. Non surgical therapy
  • Scaling and root planning
  • Antibiotic treatment
  • Bite correction
  • Splinting
  1. Surgical therapy
  • Flap and Bone Surgery
  • Gingivectomy
  • Bone Grafting
  • Soft Tissue Grafting
Business Authour : CITY DENTAL CARE
Post By : Parag Gupta